Safety in Confined Space Training Courses in Melbourne

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A confined space course provides valuable safety and procedural training for many industries including the mining, drilling, extractive quarrying, construction, warehousing and civil infrastructure industries. This course, provided by Start Training in Melbourne, offers practical experience and theoretical training in:

  • Entering and exiting confined spaces
  • Using atmospheric monitoring devices
  • Safely handling materials
  • Making safety assessments
  • Providing the correct documentation for working in confined work spaces

Units in the Safety in Confined Space Course

Start Training combines five nationally recognised units for competency within our safety in confined space training course. Some of the assessment criteria includes risk assessment, and pre-entry preparation and permitting.

  • RIIWHS202E – Enter and Work in Confined Spaces
  • MSMPER200 – Work in Accordance with an Issued Permit
  • MSMPER202 – Observe Permit Work
  • MSMPER205 – Enter Confined Space
  • MSMWHS217 – Gas Test Atmospheres

Risk Assessments

Our safety course will teach you to identify hazards, assess risks and implement control measures to control the risk in confined spaces. You will learn to:

  • Make sure the control measures are working as planned
  • Identify the risks upon entry
  • Identify the risks of working in a confined space, or adjacent to the confined space
  • Assess if there is a risk of a person inadvertently entering the space without permits


During our safety course you will learn to use appropriate signage next to each entry of the space and other vital skills including:

  • Applying tagging to plant and equipment to ensure that unauthorised people do not enter the space or use the plant or equipment, until the risks have been identified and entry to the confined space is permitted
  • Communicating clearly with others and using signs as required

Ventilation and Observation Equipment

Our course teaches you to be aware of ventilation in the space and the procedures around safely working in confined spaces. You will learn to:

  • Use atmospheric monitoring devices before entering and during work
  • Select, wear and care for appropriate personal protective clothing and equipment, as with all of our courses
  • Apply safe handling methods to materials and equipment to minimise risk

Permits and Procedures

You will learn to follow procedures and make sure all use of equipment and work in the confined space is compliant with policies, procedures and safety recommendations. We will teach you to:

  • Obtain the required entry permits and instructions.
  • Learn to locate and apply relevant legislation and documentation to confirm that your work activity is compliant to safety guidelines.
  • Learn to use safety sheets
  • Be aware of site control responsibilities and site control authorities.

A confined space training course from Start Training offers essential skills for working in confined spaces. Call us on 03 9756 0244 to book a course in Melbourne.

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