What Types of Jobs Need First Aid Qualification? VIC

First Aid training

With state-of-the-art training centres across Melbourne, Start Training is an industry leader in providing a number of training courses for individuals in the warehousing and construction sector, among others. We offer excellent first aid courses in Melbourne that open up a number of career options.

Whether it’s first aid certification online or a hands-on first aid course, learning first aid indicates to an employer that you are proactive in your professional development and may make you eligible for exciting employment opportunities.

Careers that Require Training in First Aid Melbourne

Child Care Providers

Nearly all professions in the childcare industry require a high standard of first aid training in case of emergencies. Whether you’re considering teaching at a school or taking on the responsibility of caring for children under any circumstances, the ability to respond quickly to an unexpected emergency can save a child’s life.

Coaching & Fitness 

Whether you are a coach or a fitness trainer, it is your responsibility to train people in sports and exercise while ensuring their safety. When pushing athletes to new levels of performance, there is always a risk that sudden cardiac arrest or training related injuries could occur. Although such incidents are rare, having the training and presence of mind to administer first aid at a moment’s notice can save an athlete’s career, or even their life.

Construction & Warehousing 

Construction sites are working environments where there is a clear and present risk of injuries due to falling debris and heavy machinery accidents. Start Training’s first aid courses in Melbourne provide personnel with the training to respond effectively to emergencies.


Although firefighters undergo rigorous training in how to deal with devastating fires, they are also expected to administer first aid to individuals under challenging circumstances. A first aid course is an excellent way to learn how to deal with severe injuries, burns and respiratory distress.

Flight Attendants

Flight attendants are so much more than their duties of serving food and drinks. Once a plane takes off, the flight crew have to deal with all emergencies themselves. In the event of a health related emergency on an aircraft, flight attendants have to use their first aid training to stabilise a passenger until professional medical assistance can be provided to them.

Hands-On Training Courses For First Aid Melbourne

Contact Start Training today to find out why our first aid courses are held in high regard by industry professionals across Victoria. Find out more about how to get a first aid certification online through our training centres.

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